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      About us


      Regnum Christi School

      We are an international network of schools that seek to educate Christian leaders with the tools to unleash their full potential, capable of facing the challenges they will face in life and contributing to the good of their families and society.

      We want each student to bring out the best in themselves, develop their talents and put them at the service of society. We seek an integral formation that includes the different faculties and areas of the person: the intelligence, the will and the heart, as well as their relational dimension.

      In the Regnum Christi Schools Network we celebrate the talents of each student which make them who they are, as well as the rhythms at which they learn, develop and excel.

      It is an educational community of excellence

      Focused on the integral formation of children and adolescents.

      Where the joy of meeting Jesus Christ and being his apostles is experienced.

      Our Aspirations

      We aspire for our students to develop a love of wisdom and a passion for truth, hand in hand with their teachers and other educators.

      We aspire to form free and mature people in accordance with their age: people who are faithful to their own responsibilities, who are able to read their own feelings and direct them towards the integral good of their person, who are open to others and to God, who are capable of forming a considered and profound judgement about life events and about people, and who are able to make prudent decisions.

      We firmly believe that values have more transcendence and relevance than ever in the education of future generations, as the world needs young people not only with the skills and knowledge to succeed, but with the values necessary to detonate their full potential, adapt to change, choose the good, be happy and above all, be leaders who inspire and transform the world around them.

      We have been implementing the Regnum Christi educational model for more than 65 years in 19 countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia.

      From Mission to Action

      To be a 'new man', an integer homo or an integra mulier, is to realise the loving plan of God who wants us to be fully human, integrating harmoniously all the dimensions of our being through love.



      It requires a response, a free collaboration of the human being.

      To educate. Perfection of the faculties and development of the attitudes or competences that make man more human, a better person.

      Teaching. Transmission of knowledge

      To evangelise. Proclaiming and making Christ present



      Regnum Christi schools promote the integral formation of apostles who exercise Christian leadership in their environment.


      Integral Formation






      Our anthropological vision starts from Jesus Christ ``The perfect man who manifests to man the sublimity of his vocation`` (Gaudium et spes, 22).

      The human being is created in the image and likeness of God.

      He is called to be another Christ. It is not just a matter of imitating him

      He is a person: a 'someone' not a 'something'.

      He is naturally social

      He is created by and for love

      He is both a bodily and a spiritual being

      Experiences fragility and is called to conversion to God


      Educational Outreach

      In addition to the advantage of offering our students and their families a comprehensive global education in 19 countries, we also have international schools to help them perfect a second or third language.

      OAK International Academies

      In order for students to experience other cultures and perfect a second or third language, we have close ties with five international schools in the United States, Ireland and Switzerland, which offer annual and summer programmes.

      Visit the Oak International website