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      Emerald Heights Academy


      3850 - 156th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98006, US


      Teléfono: (425) 643-1671

      Niveles educativos:

      Preescolar, Primaria y Secundaria para niñas y niños

      Academias deportivas:

      Basketball, soccer, baseball

      Academias Artísticas:

      Pintura, coro, poesía, literatura, arpa


      El idioma nativo es el Inglés y se imparten clases de Español

      Servicios especiales:

      Transporte en autobús, programa de lunch 4 días por semana

      Emerald Heights Academy is a private, independent school in Bellevue, WA, that provides a classical liberal arts education in the Catholic tradition to students in preK4 through 8th grade. EHA sets high academic standards, nurtures spiritual growth, fosters integrity in character and places strong emphasis on the giving of oneself in service to others in imitation of Christ.

      Founded in 1993 by a group of lay Catholic business leaders and Catholic educators, Emerald Heights Academy is approved as an educational institution by the Washington State Board of Education and is a member of the Washington Federation of Independent Schools and the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools (NAPCIS). Under its Non-Discrimination Policy, EHA admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at the school. EHA doesn’t discriminate on the basis of race, color or national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other school administered programs.


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